Tuesday, March 15, 2011


A man named Walter Russell, who established the University of Science and Philosophy in Waynesboro, Virginia, is written about in a small volume called, "The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe," which I read in the late 1970s. In fact, one cold winter's day, while doing readings for my DC area clients after appearing on the Panorama Show, a client named Ann Werner drove me to Swannanoa in Waynesboro to meet Walter's lovely white-haired widow, Lao Russell. The three of us sat before a roaring fire in her palatial mansion with its white marble floors, surrounded by many grand marble sculptures and enormous  paintings created after the style of the European masters by Walter, as Lao spoke about her amazing late husband who had passed in 1963. Walter had immediately recognized his "soul mate" the first time he heard the sound of her voice. And Lao had realized, that if she did indeed make that telephone call, her life was going to be totally changed forever--and it was.

Among Walter's magnificent artistic contributions was a large marble sculpture he had carved of Jesus, which is perhaps still displayed in his formal gardens near the Blueridge Parkway at Swannanoa not far from Waynesboro, Virginia.  

Walter Russell was an amazing man and he wrote several books. One of his quotes: "The glory of becoming a transcendent being is the only reason for living." And from Lao: "The topmost pinnacle--beyond which no man can go--is the illumination into cosmic consciousness."

An important book written by Walter Russel was called "ATOMIC SUICIDE" in which he explained that if we knew the WHY and WHAT of radioactivity we would not dare to use it. Please check out the books at http://www.philosophy.org/. ATOMIC SUICIDE is a book Tesla advised Walter Russell to bury for 1,000 years. It discusses the dangers of working with radioactive forces, which Russell calls "death," while the second part of the book deals with the science that Tesla said humanity was not ready for! Perhaps you are ready to raise your consciousness. Originally published in 1957, this worked united with Dr. Albert Schweitzer's appeal to the world to end nuclear testing.

The tragic circumstances of the mega-quake and horrific tsunami in Japan that damaged several nuclear power plants (with a total of 17 nuclear power plants in the country), which are presently endangering hundreds of thousands of human lives in that country with the possibility of radiation sickness and even death from a disease such as cancer. This fact poignantly reminds us all of the inherent dangers in dealing with nuclear power. There are earthquake fault zones near many of the nuclear power plants in various parts of the world, including the United States. There are also significant dangers that may result from earthquakes and volcanic eruptions all around the world during the remainder of this year and the next two years to come.

Nonetheless, let us all continue to send LIGHT to the people of Japan, both incarnate and recently discarnate, for life is an eternal journey. And yet, the fact remains that dealing with the horrendous difficulties of the moment must be a tremendous challenge for the people of Japan. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" were wise words spoken by the Master. Words for each of us to live by every single day!

Blessings to one and all!

Pattie  http://www.patriciamclaine.com/    

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