Friday, November 23, 2012

MEDICAL ASTROLOGY - Weight Loss & How to Achieve it! 11/25 by Pattie McLaine | Blog Talk Radio

MEDICAL ASTROLOGY - Weight Loss & How to Achieve it! 11/25 by Pattie McLaine | Blog Talk Radio

Sunday, November 26, 3 pm EST call 347-884-9037 to ask Eileen a question! Please join us for the show! 


 My new novel is on Amazon for $21.95 and Kindle for $6.92 Read and Buy on Kindle

The book is also on Barnes and Noble for $21.95. Here's my first review:


A passionate story of an Irish American woman's survival in the 1800's.


"Passion and Principle is Patricia McLaine’s first historical fiction novel and is set in the 1800’s, written from an Irish woman’s perspective. This is a love story, a history lesson and an example of what strong passion and principles can do for you in life. The main character, Mary Margaret, is born with a veil (or second sight). It was fascinating reading Mary’s perspective of growing up in Ireland and learning about ancient druid lore and rituals that had been passed down for generations while at the same time being brought up as a strict Catholic. She is forced to grow up quickly, luckily, with wisdom beyond her years. It was heart wrenching to read about her decision between two men: the first, a passionate smuggler who would stay in Ireland forever, or the other, an intelligent soldier who would live her dream and go with her to America. 

Mary Margaret does go to America, but I won’t tell you if it was with her soldier! One of the highlights for me was her intense fight to end slavery and the personal conviction that carried her through so much turmoil. That was a turbulent time in history and reading about racism and the war from her perspective made it more personal to me. Mary’s character development was strong and the twists and turns in the plot meant that I could hardly wait to pick up the book again to see what would happen next. As Mary’s family grew, Patricia showed what an impact one family could have on history. I felt connected as a reader to her family both on American and Irish soil. The Irish ties that were interwoven throughout the novel showed how strong their influence was in American history. 

Patricia could easily write ten more novels that tell different stories from various family members’ perspectives. This novel was tear-jerking in parts, humorous, realistic, spiritual, and showed how destiny touched Mary’s life many times. The theme lingers... Do we live our lives with the full driving force of our passions and principles?" -                                                       TBR TopBookReviewers

Saturday, September 22, 2012

My new novel is now for sale: 6 x 9, 510 pages, 140,000 words, $21.95, $26 media mail; $27 priority mail from me autographed. The books should arrive sometime within the next week! This is a big book with a gorgeous cover designed by Stephannie Beman. Within the next week the book should be available on  The Kindle will be $8.99 on Amazon within the next few weeks when I receive the file to download.

These are the blurbs on the back book jacket: 
This is the story of Mary Margaret Kathleen Kelly O’Reilly, a young Pagan Catholic born with a veil (second sight) in Dingle, Ireland in 1798. This romantic historical tale begins in an Ireland still under British rule, with the oppression of Roman Catholics, and great bitterness among the Irish people, who desire most of all freedom from the British Crown. Our heroine’s life has many twists and turns, numerous triumphs and tragedies. At a young age, Maggie finds herself torn between her passion for her young smuggler and a handsome soldier of the Crown. The story is rich in the history and drama of the 1800s in Ireland, Europe and America between 1798 and 1871.

"The Irish hold a special place in the formation of America. They crossed the Atlantic with a passion for living to make a difference in their new world. Such is story of Mary Margaret Kathleen Kelly O'Reilly, born with special powers to see beyond what others might see. She lived her life fully with conviction and knowledge of what wonders lay ahead. Her story evolves from immigrant struggles, to seeking justice for slaves and women, while raising a family full of tragedy, love, laughter and humility. It's the story of America and the people who made this country great."
Maggie Linton
 Program Director
SiriusXM Book Radio
The work on this novel started in 2003 when I spent the spring reading books about Irish history, England, Napoleon, Wellington, early America, the War of 1812, the Druids, herbs, tenant farmers, British rule, Irish immigration, the American Revolutionary War, slavery, abolition, the Underground Railroad, the Irish Famine and the Gold Rush, in addition to the size of ships that were used to bring the Irish to America. I watched countless videos on all these subjects, and that summer I went to the Ireland for the seventh time, this time with my friend Susan Scott. We spent a week touring various Irish cities and counties, (I did kiss the Blarney Stone) and another week in Dingle, Ireland where we stayed at a local bed and breakfast, for it is in Dingle  that the story of Mary Margaret Kathleen Kelly O'Reilly begins on November 7, 1798.

I'm nearly half Irish, since I'm Irish on both sides. My maternal grandmother was fully Irish, and my paternal grandfather was Scot-Irish. When I took a bus tour of Scotland in 1984 the bus driver claimed that all the Scots are really Irish, since it was the Irish that initially settled in the Highlands of Scotland centuries ago. I'm also English on my father's side and German on my mother's side. However, the Irish immigrated just about everywhere and settled all over the world, as perhaps you may already know. First perhaps, because of persecution of one sort or another when the British came a-conquering and stole their lands, plundered, raped and murdered the Irish people. Learning some of those details made me rather ashamed of my English blood for a time. I loved reading about ancient Ireland and their wonderful customs. Of course, I saw the week folk myself when I was a child in Kansas City, so they evidently immigrated right along with the Irish. Or perhaps it's because of my Irish blood? That seems perfectly logical to me! Years ago, a medium once told me that I was psychic primarily because of my Celtic blood. Weren't the Germans Celts too?

I loved writing this book. In the beginning I listened to a lot of Irish harp music to put me in a magical mood to write a story about a lass born with a veil on the Emerald Isle. Of course, when you're a writer there is always a bit of you in each and every character you create and I loved developing all the characters in PASSION AND PRINCIPLE, which was first called A WOMAN OF PASSION, by the way. But after due consideration, I realized that title made the book sound like something a bodice-ripper and it's really not a bodice-ripper sort of novel at all. This is my literary novel. I wanted to write a story about a heroine's entire life instead of just writing about bits and pieces of her life. My hope is that in reading PASSION AND PRINCIPLE you will get to know Maggie O'Reilly rather well as you share in her tragedies and her triumphs.  I look forward to hearing from you think of my novel. I hope you love it as much as I do. I really do!

To order an autographed copy call 703-373-7353 or email me at pattiemclaine@gmailcom I accept checks, cash and all major credit cards.

Also, this month I'm doing a sale on my memoir, COSMIC CONSPIRACY - Psychic to the Rich and Famous for $12.50 plus shipping, 6x9 paperback, 410 pages, and on BITTERSWEET SUMMER - Paula's Story for $12.50, 6x9, 400 pages, either or both autographed from me. For another $5 with either book you will be able to receive a copy of THE RECYCLING OF ROSALIE, 5.8x8.5, 220 pages. 

You can read more about me and my books at 

I look forward to hearing from you.  


Sunday, July 22, 2012


The astrological aspects in the heavens this month are helping a great many souls to become free from past karma, or let us say, aspects of bondage or limitation that might be holding them back on the path to Higher Consciousness and Awareness. Key 0, THE FOOL, represents the revolutionary planet URANUS that co-rules the sign of Aquarius (Humanity), but is currently transiting the sign of ARIES, the very beginning of the Zodiac in terms of Mundane Astrology. ARIES rules the head and the brain, in addition to the eyes, so you could say that our individual, and collective, views of life on the planet are being radically altered by the current transit of URANUS, in part perhaps, in terms of how we might view current events taking place on our planet and in our individual lives. Impulse and rashness are increased with the transit of URANUS in ARIES, but also creative or inventive brilliance and sudden insights with a potential to set us free.

In one aspect, URANUS is the planet of revolutionary change. All we have to do is take the time to reflect on certain events of the past year, or currently happening now, to see how many individuals in so very many different countries have risen up and created a revolution since URANUS entered the sign of ARIES. How many leaders have been overthrown and replaced, if not totally destroyed? For, in the Tarot, ARIES, Key 4, is THE EMPEROR, the ruler or leader in any sense of that word. URANUS in ARIES will continue to uproot unjust and tyrannical leaders wherever they might exist in whatever nation. And, during this time, exciting and promising new visions for the future are also being formulated for the sake of all humanity.

This month, July 2012, the planet MARS, transiting the sign of LIBRA, Tarot Key 16, THE TOWER, is currently opposing the planet URANUS. This aspect can make people much more rash and unpredictable than usual, which might well cause the FOOL to leap from the cliff before he looks, and the same may be said in terms of recent world events. There is no doubt in my mind that the recent massacre of innocents in the theater in Colorado was anything less than an egotistical, demoniacal act of rash and uncontrollable madness (though I do wish that movies and video games were less violent). MARS is the ruler of the sign of ARIES, God of War, which also rules the brain, sexuality, and muscular coordination. MARS is known to be in its "fall" in the sign of LIBRA, which sometimes manifests as a lack of drive or purpose in the individual.  The current MARS-URANUS opposition tends to escalate matters in terms of warring factors on any number of levels, including within a troubled, or even normal, individual. I'm sure some clever astrologer has already obtained the killer's chart. If so, please let me know! 

The third culprit in the current astrological transits involves Key 20, JUDGMENT, which represents PLUTO, the planet currently transiting the sign of CAPRICORN. PLUTO is now forming a T-square with MARS and URANUS. In astrology, the T-square is the most difficult aspect. Those born the first twelve days of ARIES, CANCER, LIBRA and CAPRICORN (or with their Rising or Moon in these signs) have been calling me regularly for a reading this year, because their individual charts are "under the gun" so to speak. "The Last Judgment," according to my metaphysical training, involves the "last judgment" you made. The gray figures of the man, woman and child on Tarot Key 20, JUDGMENT, are simply responding to the sound of the horn (vibration) of Archangel Gabriel, and thereby raising their vibration to a higher level. They are being "resurrected from their graves of error" in forming false or half-judgments that clouded their awareness and blocked their spiritual development. Gabriel is the archangel of the West, the place of the setting sun associated with the Land of the Shades or the Isle of the Blessed in Irish lore. I resent the demotion of PLUTO to a dwarf planet, because the force of PLUTO is a great power for transformation and positive change in the individual chart. PLUTO rules SCORPIO, the sign of sexuality, creativity, transformation and transmutation. PLUTO in CAPRICORN is bringing about the fall of distorted and corrupt power in institutions, corporations and governments, which shall continue until 2024. My best advice to all concerned would be to clean up your act sooner rather than later.

This POWERFUL T-SQUARE of URANUS, MARS and PLUTO will be the downfall of many this month. The square between URANUS and PLUTO continues, off and on, until 2015. It is a time of re-evaluation and of re-prioritizing in all our lives. It is also a time to do some deep breathing and some meditating on what is really important to you in your life. WATCH YOUR TEMPER. TRY NOT TO CONFRONT EVEN SLIGHTLY INSANE PEOPLE. PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO YOUR INTUITION and you should be fine. Your brain and your values are being put through the fires of Divine Light. It is time to see things more clearly and to find your way out of the darkness. Do not blame others for the obstacles in your path. Simply find the best way around them, or else, dissolve them completely. Best of luck in your continuing transformation.

FREE BOOK with Readings this month!