Sunday, March 20, 2011


In terms of my early training with Builders of the Adytum, a Western Mystery school, I was already a professional tarot reader when I first attended the Temple of Holy Qabalah and Sacred Tarot one Thursday evening in 1970. Of course, I had only been doing readings less than five years. I had been making it a point to resist attending the temple or any other type of ‘organized religion’ at that time for years. However, I was immediately fascinated upon entering the one-story red brick building with all the very large, hand-painted tarot cards on the walls on both sides of the room up near the ceiling. I was also surprised to find the pillars of Key 2, The High Priestess, on the podium. You could definitely say my interests were piqued.

I was on my own that first evening. I knew absolutely no one else in the room when I found an empty seat in the third row. But that was the beginning of once again finding my true spiritual path and taking the first steps toward a major transformation of my consciousness in terms of my present incarnate personality. That night I found my ‘true teacher’ even though there was never much personal exchange between us for the next five years that Ann Davies remained on the planet as leader of the Order. After her passing in 1975 I frequently chastised myself for not having attended every single lecture she ever taught from that first night onward.

On that particular evening, however, I was totally surprised when Ann walked out onto the podium, for my chakras instantly became energized and pure energy shot up from my solar plexus all the way up to my Crown. The Crown Charka is actually about a foot or more above the head. This was an actual, powerful, physical sensation that instantly captured my full undivided attention. I sat up straight and paid close attention to every word Ann said that night. Needless to say, I was amazed and I continued to return to the Temple for the teachings, as well as signing up for the course of study that comes in the mail, the same as it does for all the members.  If you are so inclined, please check it out.

I speak about this experience in my memoir, COSMIC CONSPIRACY – Psychic to the Rich and Famous,, along with dozens of other personal cosmic events that were an important part of my journey up until the present time.  My work with the tarot is strongly influenced by the teachings of Ann Davies and Paul Foster Case. You can still purchase some of Ann’s lectures on tape (perhaps CDs these days) from the Builders of the Adytum. And those lectures are truly worthwhile.     

The Adytum is the Holy of Holies that each of us builds and sustains within our soul, which facilitates our spiritual evolution throughout the centuries.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


A man named Walter Russell, who established the University of Science and Philosophy in Waynesboro, Virginia, is written about in a small volume called, "The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe," which I read in the late 1970s. In fact, one cold winter's day, while doing readings for my DC area clients after appearing on the Panorama Show, a client named Ann Werner drove me to Swannanoa in Waynesboro to meet Walter's lovely white-haired widow, Lao Russell. The three of us sat before a roaring fire in her palatial mansion with its white marble floors, surrounded by many grand marble sculptures and enormous  paintings created after the style of the European masters by Walter, as Lao spoke about her amazing late husband who had passed in 1963. Walter had immediately recognized his "soul mate" the first time he heard the sound of her voice. And Lao had realized, that if she did indeed make that telephone call, her life was going to be totally changed forever--and it was.

Among Walter's magnificent artistic contributions was a large marble sculpture he had carved of Jesus, which is perhaps still displayed in his formal gardens near the Blueridge Parkway at Swannanoa not far from Waynesboro, Virginia.  

Walter Russell was an amazing man and he wrote several books. One of his quotes: "The glory of becoming a transcendent being is the only reason for living." And from Lao: "The topmost pinnacle--beyond which no man can go--is the illumination into cosmic consciousness."

An important book written by Walter Russel was called "ATOMIC SUICIDE" in which he explained that if we knew the WHY and WHAT of radioactivity we would not dare to use it. Please check out the books at ATOMIC SUICIDE is a book Tesla advised Walter Russell to bury for 1,000 years. It discusses the dangers of working with radioactive forces, which Russell calls "death," while the second part of the book deals with the science that Tesla said humanity was not ready for! Perhaps you are ready to raise your consciousness. Originally published in 1957, this worked united with Dr. Albert Schweitzer's appeal to the world to end nuclear testing.

The tragic circumstances of the mega-quake and horrific tsunami in Japan that damaged several nuclear power plants (with a total of 17 nuclear power plants in the country), which are presently endangering hundreds of thousands of human lives in that country with the possibility of radiation sickness and even death from a disease such as cancer. This fact poignantly reminds us all of the inherent dangers in dealing with nuclear power. There are earthquake fault zones near many of the nuclear power plants in various parts of the world, including the United States. There are also significant dangers that may result from earthquakes and volcanic eruptions all around the world during the remainder of this year and the next two years to come.

Nonetheless, let us all continue to send LIGHT to the people of Japan, both incarnate and recently discarnate, for life is an eternal journey. And yet, the fact remains that dealing with the horrendous difficulties of the moment must be a tremendous challenge for the people of Japan. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" were wise words spoken by the Master. Words for each of us to live by every single day!

Blessings to one and all!


Monday, March 7, 2011


This is my memoir about my life in the realm of the paranormal. It's not a complete autobiography about my entire life, but is mainly about Pattie McLaine the psychic. You see I never planned to be a psychic or wanted to be a psychic in the first place. I have fought my work on the freaky fringe of society, kicking and screaming, for more than the past 44 years!  I published plays at the ages of 19 and 24 and I wanted to spend my life as a writer. Thus, here I am writing this blog, my other blog, my website, plus novels and plays and screenplays and tarot books. I'm really a natural born writer.

And I'm finally getting over this Vicious Virus that invaded my system and knocked me off my feet for an entire week. This one was a doozy that was both intestinal and respiratory. I'm still coughing. But I'm sure a whole lot better than I was.

If you happen to REVIEW books for a website, magazine, or newspaper, please send me an email at or call me at 703-373-7353 and I'll send you a press release and a copy of my memoir: 6 x 9 Trade Paperback, 418 pages, which is quite the page turner I'm told. In all honesty, I didn't live the life I planned to live, but as it turned out, it was a fairly interesting and unique life after all. I met Immortal Masters and lots of celebrities became my clients and some my friends. I traveled to many parts of the world, more often to work than to simply play and take in the sights. But wherever I went people seemed to want a reading about their life to see what was going to happen next.

I'm still giving readings: Check out my Reading page. And on Sundays at 3 pm EST LIVE I have this Blog Talk Radio Show, Exploring the Paranormal with Pattie, where I do shows on my own and at times have interesting guests to speak on various aspect of the paranormal. All the past shows are still available at and may be downloaded as MP3s for anytime listening.

Thanks for checking out my blog!



Friday, March 4, 2011



This week the VICIOUS VIRUS attacked me when I wasn't expecting it at all. It took me totally by surprise, which viruses are prone to do it seems. A virus will very seldom warn you of their impending evil intent. And I had just been complimenting myself on the fact that I had escaped getting really sick this winter. The Vicious Virus was out to prove me WRONG! Of course, I'm feeling a bit better today or I wouldn't be starting a new blog, would I? I'm trying to get more into my head and ignore my aching muscles, the congestion in my chest, and my runny, sneezy nose. But that isn't really easy, all things considered.  I don't like being sick at all. Does anyone?

This virus is particularly vicious because it attacks the intestinal tract and the lungs at the same time. This is really sneaky and particularly vicious, if you ask me, and totally unfair. I've had a high fever, which is now waning considerably, that made me feel really, really miserable. Just a little fever can make a good day turn into a nighmare, as I'm sure you may already know from experience. I've been taking Vitamin C, Kyolic garlic capsules, Oregamax and every holistic remedy I know of. I've been sleeping a lot. When I'm really sick I can sleep 16 hours a day. It's my escape. You can't be aware of your aching muscles and burning up head when you're unconscious. And I always wake up feeling somewhat better. I'm looking forward to waking up without noticing anything out of order at all sometime really soon. 

However, every time I eat something I get a belly ache. And I've taken tons of acidolphilus. I've been drinking lots of black tea and green tea with honey. Did you know that honey is anti-virual and anti-bacterial? It is. So when you're "under the weather" use honey in your tea. 

Nonetheless, BEWARE THE VICIOUS VIRUS that seems to be lurking in strange, suspicious places. I don't know if someone on the elevator breathed or coughed on me when I wasn't looking. Or someone at the supermarket had germs on their hands before I used that cart. Or someone in the restaurant was a germ carrier when they took my order. These viruses can really be tricky and sneaky when it comes to invading a perfectly healthy immune system and wrecking havoc for far too many days. I mean...this is day 5 and I find that to be outrageous! I was too sick to work this week at all. And that is not a good thing. Psychics or writers do not get sick pay.

I will do more with this blog than rant about the VICIOUS VIRUS, I promise you. But be on the constant lookout and please wash your hands often, because this particular germ can really screw up your plans for an entire week! Be well. This is one you do NOT want to experience, trust me!