Since the Tarot is my specialty, and I'm a graduate of Builders of the Adytum, The Temple of Sacred Tarot and Holy Qabalah, my way of explaining spiritual patterns is often through using one or more Tarot Keys and a whole lot of astrology. Key 8, STRENGTH, among many other things, represents the astrological sign of LEO. The sign LEO rules important parts of the body when it comes to READING THE AKASHIC RECORD. In fact, one thing assigned to this key is the glamor and drama associated with the ASTRAL LIGHT. All things exist within the ASTRAL LIGHT, and all patterns, past, present, and future, exist for viewing in the AKASHIC RECORD, where all that ever was, is, or will be exists for those with eyes to see in a truly broad and amazing sense.
LEO rules the heart, the upper back, and the spine where the Kundalini energy, or Serpent Power, at the appropriate time, rises up through the 7 sacred chakras from its location at the base of the spine. This type of action is necessary on some level to access the AKASHIC RECORD, for the record actually exists within your microcosm of the Macrocosm in your spinal nerves and the various chakras (or spiritual centers) from the base of your spinal column to the top of your head, your Crown. Since LEO is ruled by the Sun, this Key also governs the Solar Plexus located in the center of your body, the body's brain involved with those gut feelings you receive about how to act or not to act. When I give psychic readings, this is the brain I pay the closest attention to, although I may receive visions for my client in my third eye, or the frontal portion of my brain as well. For me, my entire body becomes a receiving station for my client during the time of the reading.
The Kundalini energy of the Hindus, or the Serpent Power, is the evolutionary energy of life. Key 8, STRENGTH, has a whole lot to do with the serious development of character, backbone, honesty, and the courage needed to face the various challenges of life on the physical plane, in addition to in worlds beyond Time and Space. A pure heart is an absolute prerequisite for anyone desirous of reading the AKASHIC RECORD. (Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. Matthew 5:8,) There must be no evil intent in the heart or mind of those who seek such a gift, and this is a large order when it comes right down to it. True compassion is the better part of love that lives on forever, which is why all Heart Masters are referred to as Masters of Compassion.
Sitting still in meditation, with the back and spine erect and properly aligned, helps the individual soul to attune their chakras and thereby access the AKASHIC RECORD when the need arises. If there is malice or evil intent the way will surely be blocked. Key 8, STRENGTH, also deals with generation and regeneration as in reincarnation. READING THE AKASHIC RECORDS is how past lives are accessed so that the necessary lessons may be learned to make greater progress in the present lifetime. A soul is usually unable to access past lives until he or she is ready to see the good, the bad, and the ugly in order to transmute and transform into a better person during a lifetime.
The Mysteries remain forever mysteries to souls without a positive, constructive level of character or insufficient spiritual development to deal with the information contained within the AKASHIC RECORD. The information will be revealed when you have progressed to an acceptable level in terms of your own soul. Please avoid taking the dark path, for you will simply have to retrace your steps to eventually return through the straight and narrow way that leads directly to the LIGHT.
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