Saturday, November 30, 2013


: MONTHLY FORECASTS DELIRIOUS DECEMBER   SAGITTARIUS: If you have been feeling stuck in some aspect of your life, you can expect t...





If you have been feeling stuck in some aspect of your life, you can expect things to pick up or to somehow be resolve the second half of this month. This holiday season family issues should also be resolved more to your liking than ever before. Travel plans could well change, at least in part, for reasons beyond your control. This may be a good time to re-evaluate business or career matters with perhaps a fresh start in mind for the coming new year. A raise or promotion is a definite possibility. Those in charge should be on your side at this time, with thoughts and ideas well received. Water or a plumbing issue might well arise and prove to be something of a nuisance. Romantic attractions increase as the month progresses. In fact, an old love may reappear and have your head spinning about exactly what to do about the situation! There could be a definite dilemma on that score.


Romantic possibilities may be plentiful this month, along with abundant social invitations. You should be looking good and feeling pretty good as well. And you may discover a not-so-secret admirer!  How about that? Too bad that someone in the family is acting less than congenial this holiday season. Simply rise above the situation the way that you usually do and you should be just fine. An old friend may come to your aid or lend a much needed listening ear. You should be able to depend upon your friends at this time. Watch your temper as the month progresses as MARS squares your Sun, since you could run irritable and out of sorts to some degree. You will not be up to taking any sort of nonsense from most people this holiday season. Pettiness might aggravate you at this time. Travel plans could be fraught with last minute changes. Try to be patient now.


You could run a touch feisty at this time, especially where your neighbors and siblings are concerned. But you could just as easily apologize and talk things over later in the month.  Original ideas should abound for you this month. Write them down to use later if not at that very moment in time. Easy money may fall right into your hands. An old love may reappear and find you most alluring! Good luck with that situation! I hope you find him/her alluring too. You may also reach an important goal at this time: The completion of a project, perhaps? Your thinking tends to be more serious now than at other times. It might be a good time to keep a journal to help you keep track of your thoughts and ideas. There is a pickup in your energy at this time where you also feel like accomplishing more in order to get the job done right. An old creative/artistic project deserves another look!


There are important lessons for you to learn this month, once and for all! You should have a fair sense of self-disciple to do whatever needs doing at this time, lots of carry through is available to you. However, watch over-spending on holiday gift-giving, since the bills come due next month. A long trip to see family members and old friends should be fun and heart-warming, a return trip to a place you have been to before. Your creative juices should be flowing pretty good, so take some time to create, design, paint, draw or write something down. Reunions could run to the extreme at this time, with more than just the holidays involved, since even an old love could show up when you least expect it. Sudden advancement is possible in terms of your career. Even a new job or a new position is possible now. Research is also favored now, with exciting discoveries part of the deal.       


This should be an exciting month for you in general. There may well be favor from those in high places, but you will be expected to work hard and put your best foot forward. The boss or an elder may not give you all the praise you might like to hear about now to feel appreciated, but my advice is to simply grin and bear it! Romance may bloom in the work place, but combining work and pleasure is not always a wise decision or the most comfortable situation for everyone concerned, especially when the bloom falls off the rose!  You may run more than a little feisty as the month progresses as MARS moves into the opposition to your Sun and squares with PLUTO, which is particularly true for the earlier Aries birthdays.  Expect some sort of emergency to arise and it could involve a parent or elder. Partnerships may be put to the ultimate test this month. Please watch your temper.


Out-of-body travel may be a given this month. No airfare needed for traveling throughout the cosmos. Regular travel could also be enjoyable at this time. Unusual dreams are probably another certainty, and pay especially close attention to your intuition this month. The Still Small Voice should serve you well and protect you. Romance with a foreigner or in a faraway place is quite likely at this time, though it might not necessarily be of a lasting nature. But life is filled with risks, is it not? This one is your call. Partnerships present a push-pull pattern this month, this coming year, with a serious tone to conversations and decision making. A change in your philosophy or belief system may not be so slow in coming or too subtle in essence. It is a time for “aha” and somewhat dramatic insights. A parent or elder may be cause for concern and need your assistance.


Here you are in your opposition time again where the other person has the distinct advantage. So please try to listen and pay attention to what others are saying to you and doing right in front of you. Pay attention! Work decisions can be made now that may involve hiring or firing, or changing classes or teachers for the student. The path directly in front of you may be a touch clouded for the earlier Gemini. Tread water for the moment and wait for the Sun to come out, for it will! Then you can make a wise and intelligent decision. Travel might prove more expensive than anticipated earlier this month, but you should still have a fun time. Group activities prove mixed this holiday season, some fun, some glum. But your energy should be up with you raring to go for the most part. Some people around you may come unglued, however, so be kind.


Trust your instincts at this time and pay close attention to your inner voice of intuition. There are those around you trying to manipulate you or a particular situation to their advantage. If that is all right with you, fine. But be aware. Career changes hold an element of uncertainty now. It might be best not to leave a job unless you have something else lined up first. A new romance may come to you through work or school, but it might be wise to think twice before jumping right in at this time. Impulse is running strong for the moment. Also, please watch your temper. You are somehow in a push-pull situation with work, school, or perhaps a relationship. Take your time to come to terms and try not to allow others to push you around too much. A change of direction or pace right now may prove to be a true breath of fresh air. Enjoy the holidays to your liking!


Your Muse awaits the chance to assist you with your creative impulse: Paint, draw, compose, design or write to your heart’s content. Romance is also in the vicinity and could shows up quite unexpectedly. Surprise! Time spent with your family should be pleasant indeed this holiday season. Travel may involve returning to past haunts and hanging out with old friends, sweetly reminiscing. A hefty purchase this holiday season might involve something that truly lasts and provides hours of enjoyment. Hard work pays off now, perhaps with a year-end bonus, a raise or promotion of sorts. Stress with some family members is possible at this time. Deep, serious discussions could resolve any issues this month. Property matters may come to your attention as well. It might be a good time to buy, sell or refinance.


Early this month is a good time for serious writing and serious and meaningful conversations with your near and dear ones. Brilliant ideas may well be yours as the month progresses. Research is highly favored now, especially with regard to an artistic or creative project. Reunions with old friends may include an old love who tries to rekindle an almost forgotten flame. Will you or won’t you? Your call! There could be a major purchase for the home at this time or even the sale or purchase of property itself. Investments may also pay off handsomely at this time, but try to guard against impulse. Romance is looking good for you about now, so if not an old love then a new love might do just fine. Self-discipline is on your side to get a job done. Start new projects well before Christmas, please, or you may have too many pots boiling at the same time.


This may not be the best time for you to take on remodeling or refurbishing the house. Why not just move the furniture around until the arrangement suits you better and check out the sales after Christmas or at the first of the New Year? A lover’s quarrel is not out of the question this month. Perhaps you can agree to disagree for now? A lover or child might just ruffle your feathers a touch, but try to talk it through before you jump to a rash or hotheaded conclusion. This is a good time for a long talk with a partner or spouse. Important agreements could be reached at this time. This is also an excellent time to review your budget and perhaps to get rid of a debt at this time? Important forward movement in the career department indicates long term benefits rather that short term gains.  Work related travel is highly likely now, but you’ll have a good time nonetheless.


You will be up for several serious talks this month, which should be exactly to your liking. Leadership is marked at this time, something that sets you apart and perhaps puts you on a podium. You will tend to wax philosophical, of course, with perhaps brilliant ideas pouring out of your mouth, even to your own surprise. Kudos!  Creative self-expression is strong at this time, so why not write it all down or design or paint? A sudden windfall may be financial in essence and rather helpful, or perhaps everyone is simply telling you how good you look or paying you compliments in great numbers. Enjoy! Congratulations! A dream you have could have special significance for you, so write down your dreams this month. The holiday season brings a special blessing to you.     Enjoy the holiday season!