In one aspect, URANUS is the planet of revolutionary change. All we have to do is take the time to reflect on certain events of the past year, or currently happening now, to see how many individuals in so very many different countries have risen up and created a revolution since URANUS entered the sign of ARIES. How many leaders have been overthrown and replaced, if not totally destroyed? For, in the Tarot, ARIES, Key 4, is THE EMPEROR, the ruler or leader in any sense of that word. URANUS in ARIES will continue to uproot unjust and tyrannical leaders wherever they might exist in whatever nation. And, during this time, exciting and promising new visions for the future are also being formulated for the sake of all humanity.
This month, July 2012, the planet MARS, transiting the sign of LIBRA, Tarot Key 16, THE TOWER, is currently opposing the planet URANUS. This aspect can make people much more rash and unpredictable than usual, which might well cause the FOOL to leap from the cliff before he looks, and the same may be said in terms of recent world events. There is no doubt in my mind that the recent massacre of innocents in the theater in Colorado was anything less than an egotistical, demoniacal act of rash and uncontrollable madness (though I do wish that movies and video games were less violent). MARS is the ruler of the sign of ARIES, God of War, which also rules the brain, sexuality, and muscular coordination. MARS is known to be in its "fall" in the sign of LIBRA, which sometimes manifests as a lack of drive or purpose in the individual. The current MARS-URANUS opposition tends to escalate matters in terms of warring factors on any number of levels, including within a troubled, or even normal, individual. I'm sure some clever astrologer has already obtained the killer's chart. If so, please let me know! pattiemclaine@gmail.com
The third culprit in the current astrological transits involves Key 20, JUDGMENT, which represents PLUTO, the planet currently transiting the sign of CAPRICORN. PLUTO is now forming a T-square with MARS and URANUS. In astrology, the T-square is the most difficult aspect. Those born the first twelve days of ARIES, CANCER, LIBRA and CAPRICORN (or with their Rising or Moon in these signs) have been calling me regularly for a reading this year, because their individual charts are "under the gun" so to speak. "The Last Judgment," according to my metaphysical training, involves the "last judgment" you made. The gray figures of the man, woman and child on Tarot Key 20, JUDGMENT, are simply responding to the sound of the horn (vibration) of Archangel Gabriel, and thereby raising their vibration to a higher level. They are being "resurrected from their graves of error" in forming false or half-judgments that clouded their awareness and blocked their spiritual development. Gabriel is the archangel of the West, the place of the setting sun associated with the Land of the Shades or the Isle of the Blessed in Irish lore. I resent the demotion of PLUTO to a dwarf planet, because the force of PLUTO is a great power for transformation and positive change in the individual chart. PLUTO rules SCORPIO, the sign of sexuality, creativity, transformation and transmutation. PLUTO in CAPRICORN is bringing about the fall of distorted and corrupt power in institutions, corporations and governments, which shall continue until 2024. My best advice to all concerned would be to clean up your act sooner rather than later.
This POWERFUL T-SQUARE of URANUS, MARS and PLUTO will be the downfall of many this month. The square between URANUS and PLUTO continues, off and on, until 2015. It is a time of re-evaluation and of re-prioritizing in all our lives. It is also a time to do some deep breathing and some meditating on what is really important to you in your life. WATCH YOUR TEMPER. TRY NOT TO CONFRONT EVEN SLIGHTLY INSANE PEOPLE. PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO YOUR INTUITION and you should be fine. Your brain and your values are being put through the fires of Divine Light. It is time to see things more clearly and to find your way out of the darkness. Do not blame others for the obstacles in your path. Simply find the best way around them, or else, dissolve them completely. Best of luck in your continuing transformation.
FREE BOOK with Readings this month! www.patriciamclaine.com